I've been going through a lot with my boyfriend recently, and I have to say, I've been so stressed out. I wasn't sure how to react to the things I was going through because I never had a boyfriend tell me I was clingy and I've never had horrible depression when I was with someone. I decided to go to my coworkers who are all older than me for relationship advice. It was quite amusing to see the variety in the responses.
George, who is 36 and the brother to one of the other cooks: If Dom could get married two times, then there is hope for you too! You're still young. Don't get hung up on a guy at your age.
Andrew, who is one of the younger guys that works with me: I just broke up with my girlfriend. She said I didn't spend enough money on her. Your boyfriend sounds like a prick. What a douchebag. Seriously, dump him next time you talk to him. Don't stay with someone who treats you like that. You're still a k-k-k-killaa. (inside joke)
Cathy, who is very opinionated: Don't care. Seriously, just don't give a shit emotionally. If you treat a guy shitty, he'll want you more. I don't mean be a bitch, but don't give a shit emotionally. Don't ask him for kisses. Don't give him hugs and beg to cuddle. Push him off. Act like a guy. He'll like that more.
Beth, who has been married almost 20 years: I love my husband, but I say he's lucky he's still breathing. He leaves for a weekend and I'm excited! I say "Ok! Have fun! Yes! He's gone!" I like my time with him, but it doesn't matter to me anymore. We just have fun.
Debbie, my manager who is definitely on the older side: I'll tell you a secret. I've been married 30 years and my husband is still an asshole. They don't change. People come and go in your life for a reason. If this doesn't work out, it was for a reason.
Madonna, who is very quiet and doesn't seem to like me much, but still is a caring woman: He can't be worth it if he's making you cry this much. Things will get better, but if they don't. Don't worry about him. You have a lot going for you. A guy is the last thing you need.
Devon, who is the biggest asshole I work with, but all in good fun: All you need is a little bow-chicka-wow-wow and everything will be good.
Some of the answers were wise, but some of them just made me laugh. It all combined for me, and it's helping me understand what I can do as a girlfriend to be a better person. I want to cling to my boyfriend out of love, but if I want this to last, everything I thought was supposed to happen in a relationship won't happen. I'm not supposed to shower him in affection and love. I'm supposed to not give a flying fuck. I'm supposed to nod my head. I'm supposed to let him call the shots. I'll ask for something if I really think I need to, and otherwise, just go with it. Sounds better than fighting all the time because I can't stop texting him or clinging to him.
Channeling my emotions to exams,
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